Miniature Figure Sculpting and/or Conversion.
Like many I was introduced to gaming with miniature figures as a child through playing Dungeons and Dragons and similar games from Games Workshop. My interest in these games didn't last long but sculpting and painting miniature figures turned out to be something of a life long passion where I still sculpt many miniatures both as one-offs for private collectors and for reproduction by manufacturers in the war-games industry. I've previously worked in heights of 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 28mm, 35mm, 40mm, 54mm and taller covering all sorts of subjects from accurate and well proportioned historic military figures to grossly overblown Sci-Fi and fantasy caricatures, from full sculpts to simple conversions of existing figures. What is more as the technology of computer modelling and 3D printing has evolved I've also begun working digitally as well as with tradiotnal putty or clay over a wire armatuire.

The majority of my sculpting is for manufacturers, retailers and private clients in the miniature war-gamers hobby. However, I've been involved in sculpting, mould making, casting and painting small figures for all sorts of clients in other hobby markets from model railways, through maritime and aviation to doll's houses. I've dealt with miniature figure work for Corporate clients for use as presentation pieces and awards, miniatures for holographic photography for a high security printing firm making credit cards, for use in advertising campaigns through to FX miniatures for TV and film work. I've also done sculpting work for clients in the Heritage and museum services, both making educational miniatures and model dioramas for exhibition display, pattern mastering for merchandising and marketing purposes as well as sculpting for jewellery makers.